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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

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Fari Reach.png



My superpower is guiding people to find love within themselves, through which all aspects of their lives can flourish.

Within the last 32 years of being a fitness trainer/life coach in the heart of Los Angeles, and having the pleasure of dealing with LA’s most affluent clients, I soon discovered peoples' lack of spirituality, self-worth, self-love, and self-compassion.



MY Story



I found that the wealthier people were, the more issues they had with Impostor Syndrome (I am not good enough, or I don’t matter); which later compelled me to coach and train my clients through health and wellness. Through working with these clients, we worked together and created ways for them to expand their horizons and find the diamonds within themselves.


It is apparent that the world today suffers from a lack of spirituality, daily physical activities, healthy eating habits, yoga, and meditation. This is why self-indulgence in food, alcohol, sex, etc. is on the rise. 


Throughout the years of coaching my clients, via both physical and mental health and fitness, we worked together to create life-changing transformations, including freedom from impostor syndrome, losing weight and maintaining it, giving up their drug of choice, and ultimately guiding my clients to discovering new versions of themselves. 

I strongly believe health and wellness are the doorways to a healthy relationship with ones' self and others.


Being able to hold a space for people to release their anger and pain and embrace the transformational power of love is critical and I help people along that path, which is simply priceless.


what people have to say...

Relationship Shift for Emma

Body Transformation for Cheryl

Being from Love Instead of Fear 

Peg is a different person now!

"Comfort Zone Push"

"Almost 20 years ago I met Fari while in search of a Pilates/yoga coach.  Who knew she would coach my body, mind and spirit through a divorce and a Cancer journey and ultimately become a lifelong friend.


Fari calls it like she sees it.  If you are ready to be pushed outside of your comfort zone Fari is your coach."​

Debbi Singer

"Unique Combination of Insights and Skill"

"About 5 years ago, I met Fari and began to workout with her twice a week.  While it is always a challenging workout, we rarely do the same exercises in exactly the same way.  Fari has the natural ability to sense what is going on in both my body and my mind simultaneously, and instinctively knows the way to reach both.  Over the last 50 years, I have trained and studied with many teachers and coaches, but Fari is special. She brings a unique combination of insights and skills to every session. I highly recommend her."


Edward robin

"Highly Recommended"

"Fari and I began working together in 2007. At first, she was my trainer but as the years went on, she began to work with me spiritually as well as physically. Fari saw me through 2 rounds of Cancer and a stroke. She continued to be my greatest resource for hope and never gave up on my ability to mentally and physically become stronger over time. It is hard to believe that 14 years have passed. I am so grateful that Fari is still part of my life, consistently striving to help me be my best always providing knowledge on ways that I can improve myself. Fari is an amazing human being - so filled with love and information to assist anyone on their journey as a coach. I highly recommend her. " ​

Dr. Jill


  • Byron Katie - "The Work" Certification
    (100 + Hours Commitment) - 2023

  • Rich Litvin - "The Prosperous Coach" Certification - 2021

  • Robbins-Madanes Certification - 2016

  • Tai Chi Instructor Certification - 2009

  • Yoga Instructor Certification - 2008

  • Pilates Instructor Certification - 2004

  • Black Belt in Taekwondo - 2004

  • Fitness Trainer Certifications (Ongoing: 2003, 1997, 1993)

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